Whack-A-Mole-Game with VHDL on Basys3 Board

1 minute read


The primary goal of this project is to develop a digital game, Whack-A-Mole, using a VGA connector and a BASYS3 FPGA. The project aims to enhance digital design abilities, focusing on debugging, glitch removal, and the implementation of sequential and combinatorial design elements to create a glitch-free game.

Design Specifications:

  • Components used: BASYS3 FPGA, VGA monitor, VGA cable, mini-breadboard, buzzer, jumper cables.
  • Game concept: Adaptation of the classic arcade game Whack-A-Mole, where players hit moles (represented by colored squares) to score points.
  • Game mechanics: Players gain points by hitting moles and lose points for errors. The game features two difficulty levels (easy and hard), sound effects using a buzzer, and a game clock.


  • VGA_TOP: Main module connecting all submodules, setting the screen saver using a multiplexer.
  • Clock Divider and Random Clock Divider: Generate desired clocks from the BASYS3’s built-in clock.
  • VGA_640x480: Creates horizontal and vertical count signals and sync signals for the monitor.
  • Game Buzzer: Generates a beep sound when buttons are pressed.
  • Whack-A-Mole Module: Controls the game process using a Moore FSM with states for game start, gameplay, and game over.
  • Push Release: Detects changes in button states to avoid repetition errors.
  • Main Game Screen: Draws squares on the display and handles their blinking effect.
  • Game Clock: Displays the time elapsed since the start of the game using FSMs.
  • Game Mode: Displays the game mode and score on the screen.
  • Character Placer and Alnum: Place alphanumeric characters and symbols on the screen.
  • Game Sounds: Displays the audio status on the screen.
  • Score Count: Manages the game score and determines game over conditions.
  • LFSR4: Generates random numbers for the game.
  • Game End/Begin: Displays the start and end screens using word selectors and multiplexers.

Github Repository of the Project